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Specialty Set: Special Education Paraeducator Intervener for Individuals With Deafblindness (PDBI)

Standard 1: Engaging in Professional Learning and Practice within Ethical Guidelines

DBI.1.K1 The impact of personal biases and the effect on teamwork.
DBI.1.S1 Adhere to the identified code of ethics and promote ethical practices, including confidentiality across all settings.
DBI.1.S2 Engage in professional development specific to deafblindness and related topics based on the needs of the student being served
DBI.1.S3 Participate in team meetings and professional dialogue about the needs of the student
DBI.1.S4 Engage in self-reflection and self-assessment, identifying strengths and areas for improvement
DBI.1.S5 Explain the intervener role and process of intervention as one to provide individualized support, optimal access to opportunities for receptive and expressive communication, peer-to-peer interactions, and the development of shared meanings, concepts, and skills.
DBI.1.S6 Follow policies and procedures at classroom, school, community, and district levels.
DBI.1.S7 Establish and maintain personal boundaries.
DBI.1.S8 Consider one’s own knowledge and skills when accepting work with specific students and ask for support when needed.
DBI.1.S9 Engage in culturally responsive practices by demonstrating respect for students and colleagues from culturally, linguistically, and ethnically diverse backgrounds.

Standard 2: Understanding and Addressing Each Individual’s Developmental and Learning Needs

DBI.2.K1 Definition of deafblindness and specific causes of deafblindness.
DBI.2.K2 Anatomy and function of the eyes and ears.
DBI.2.K3 Types and degrees of vision and hearing loss.
DBI.2.K4 Audiological and ophthalmological conditions and functioning of the individual.
DBI.2.K5 Development of the brain and implications of brain-based vision and hearing loss
DBI.2.K6 Differences between concept development and skill development, and the effect of deafblindness on each
DBI.2.K7 Impact of deafblindness on communication development, including communicative intent/function and the progression from pre-emergent/pre-symbolic communication to symbolic/proficient language
DBI.2.K8 Forms of expressive and receptive communication used by individuals who are deafblind
DBI.2.K9 Effect of deafblindness on psychological development including self-identity, autonomy, and independence throughout the lifespan.
DBI.2.K10 Effect of deafblindness related to isolation, stress, vulnerability including aspects of sexuality.
DBI.2.K11 Effect of additional disabilities on individuals with deafblindness
DBI.2.K12 Individual’s preferences, dislikes, strengths and needs, taking into consideration access and experiential limitations.
DBI.2.S1 Use and maintain amplification, cochlear implants, and assistive listening devices as directed
DBI.2.S2 Use and maintain glasses, low vision devices, and prostheses as directed
DBI.2.S3 Maximize the use of residual vision, hearing, and touch across multiple environments
DBI.2.S4 Implement tactile strategies based on student needs to support inclusion, learning, and interaction.
DBI.2.S5 Encourage and support the individual’s use of their senses to supplement learning, including gustatory, olfactory, proprioceptive, and vestibular.
DBI.2.S6 Utilize strategies that support the development of body awareness, spatial relationships, and related concepts.
DBI.2.S7 Make adaptations consistent with the cognitive, physical and medical needs of the individual as directed.

Standard 3: Demonstrating Subject Matter Content and Specialized Curricular Knowledge

DBI.3.K1 Instructional and assistive technologies specific to deafblindness and individual students’ needs.
DBI.3.S1 Adapt and provide access to general education and deafblind specific curricula for instruction of academics, related arts subjects, physical education, and the expanded core curriculum under teacher direction and supervision
DBI.3.S2 Facilitate the use of calendar systems and other tools for transition and communication across educational environments.
DBI.3.S3 Use student preferences to adapt curricular content as directed
DBI.3.S4 Provide opportunities for the student to generalize and maintain knowledge and skills across environments
DBI.3.S5 Create and implement the use of adapted books and other learning materials as directed
DBI.3.S6 Provide positive reinforcement and feedback to the student to increase engagement and progress across curricular content
DBI.3.S7 Use of specific adaptive equipment as directed by related-service specialists
DBI.3.S8 Promote the use of sighted guide, trailing, and protective techniques and reinforce travel strategies and the use of mobility devices as directed by the O&M Specialist

Standard 4: Using Assessment to Understand the Learner and the Learning Environment for Data-Based Decision Making

DBI.4.S1 Collect data and monitor progress as directed
DBI.4.S2 Provide input, observations, and support to the assessment team before and during assessment

Standard 5: Supporting Learning Using Effective Instruction

DBI.5.K1 Principles of least-intrusive instructional support and interaction for individuals with deafblindness.
DBI.5.S1 Provide consistent opportunities for students to respond and express themselves before, during and after learning activities using preferred communication modality.
DBI.5.S2 Apply child-guided instructional approaches
DBI.5.S3 Provide 1:1 intervention varying the level and intensity of input to reinforce and support student engagement, self-regulation, and learning.
DBI.5.S4 Reinforce concepts that are typically learned incidentally that are necessary to engage fully in instruction.
DBI.5.S5 Use routines and functional activities as learning opportunities.
DBI.5.S6 Use supportive touch to facilitate memory and enhance learning.
DBI.5.S7 Provide environmental information across all settings.
DBI.5.S8 Assist the individual with deafblindness to organize sensory information and orient to space and objects across all settings.
DBI.5.S9 Implement routines to support students’ anticipation, motivation, communication, and security.
DBI.5.S10 Utilize positioning, environmental modifications, and identified assistive technologies to increase student engagement, and opportunities to respond.
DBI.5.S11 Use strategies to promote turn-taking.
DBI.5.S12 Make adaptations and offer supports for tactile skill development
DBI.5.S13 Use strategies to elicit, enhance, and expand receptive and expressive communication in all contexts and activities.
DBI.5.S14 Implement recommended augmentative and alternative communication systems
DBI.5.S15 Promote opportunities for communication with a variety of peers and staff
DBI.5.S16 Implement modifications and accommodations as specified on an IEP/IFSP.
DBI.5.S17 Implement strategies that support IEP transition goals to adult roles, including employment, higher education, and community participation based on the student’s interests with the support of the team
DBI.5.S18 Facilitate language and literacy development as directed by certified professionals

Standard 6: Supporting Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Growth

DBI.6.K1 Effect of deafblindness on bonding, attachment, and social interaction
DBI.6.S1 Establish and maintain a trusting relationship with the individual
DBI.6.S2 Use a range of preventive and responsive practices, documented as effective to support individuals’ social, emotional, and educational well-being.
DBI.6.S3 Facilitate direct learning experiences.
DBI.6.S4 Observe, identify and respond to communicative behavior and intent.
DBI.6.S5 Facilitate independence and interdependence for the individual in performing tasks, solving problems, and self-advocating.
DBI.6.S6 Provide and reinforce instruction in the areas of daily care and self-help.
DBI.6.S7 Apply appropriate prompting system, reinforcement, and other behavioral principles that are supportive to the individual.
DBI.6.S8 Provide the individual with opportunities to practice and develop their self-determination skills including choice making and problem solving.
DBI.6.S9 Use sensory integration strategies as directed to support self-regulation
DBI.6.S10 Use strategies that promote the individual’s independent and safe movement and active exploration of the environment as directed
DBI.6.S11 Promote social interactions and the development of meaningful relationships with an increasing number of people

Standard 7: Collaborating with Team Members

DBI.7.S1 Articulates the role of the intervener, including the differences between interveners, paraeducators, interpreters, aides, caregivers, and special education assistants.
DBI.7.S2 Ongoing communication about the goals of lessons with team members and supervisors as needed.
Last Updated:  28 September, 2022

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